Home Remedies


Perhaps you are having trouble concentrating? Don’t worry, it’s not dramatic! Especially since there are natural remedies that can help you boost your memory and focus more easily. Bio à la Une gives you some natural tips and grandmother’s remedies to make you feel better and to concentrate more easily. Let’s go !

Concentration is useful and necessary on a daily basis to accomplish certain tasks, whether in your personal, professional life or in class for students. However, it is fragile! It’s not enough to tell yourself that you have to focus to get there. Indeed, it is a mental orientation in one and the same direction. But contrary to popular belief, you should know that concentration is not under your direct control. It depends on many factors which are both internal (linked to sleep or anxiety for example) and external like the environment. To avoid suffering from it, know that it is possible to remedy it, first of all, naturally.

Gingko is a plant native to China.

The Gingo. It has been used since time immemorial to boost memory. Indeed, it is scientifically proven that the leaves of this tree improve cerebral blood microcirculation. You can use gingko as a classic tea. Boil water and add dried leaves. During exam periods, for example, students are advised to drink three cups a day, morning, noon, and evening for about three weeks.

It is also possible to follow a “background treatment”, that is to say to regularly consume gingko tea to maintain your memory. It is no coincidence that our grandmothers and their ancestors used this plant! However, don’t overdo it, plants are powerful. Do not hesitate to seek professional advice.

It is well known, magnesium improves memory and concentration. Besides, it is common to follow a magnesium cure during exams. However, the ideal is to consume it regularly through food. You should know that cocoa powder, Brazil nuts, almonds or even sunflower seeds contain a lot. Magnesium is a mineral that maintains the plasticity of synapses. That is to say, it improves the connection between the cells of our brain. It is for this reason that we generally suggest doing a few cures as supplements. However, it should not be abused. You can take a 150 mg magnesium treatment in the morning for a few months. And of course to consume foods that provide us regularly and naturally!

Cypress essential oil
Cypress essential oil is indicated to prevent memory loss and to promote concentration. It promotes blood circulation, especially in the brain. It is for this reason that it is useful in the context of memory loss. And often, I recommend it to students who take exams and who have too much to learn!

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