Have you seen our light therapy devices? Learn more.

IECSC in NYC is over, and we have one thing to say….. We’ll be back next year!

This year’s IECSC in NYC show was one of the busiest in years! With thousands of beauty professionals in attendance, there was not an empty space to be found. 

IECSC in NYC was one of the stops in our 2023 Education Edge international tour. 

What is Education Edge? Learn more here.  

Here’s what we did at IECSC in NYC! 

In-person Demos 

Curious about how our spa devices and furniture perform in a real-world setting? That’s what our live demos are all about. Experience what luxury feels like with our industry-leading equipment. 

We held over 30 light therapy, microdermabrasion, and medspa chair demos! 

Live demos and Q&A sessions on social media 

For those in our online audience who could not make it out to NYC, we held live demos with Q&A sessions on Instagram!  

We reunited with old friends

Trade shows like IECSC provide us with opportunities to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones. 

Coffee, coffee, coffee!

We are proudly powered by coffee! Trade show days are long days….On days like these, our team pulls together and helps each other out. Sometimes a cup of coffee can go a long way. 

What’s next?  

We will be announcing our next tradeshow appearance in a few days. In the meantime, catch us on Instagram and TikTok, and stay tuned for more educational material. 

Visit us next time! 

Experiencing the Silhouet-Tone Difference changes you. Discovering how a true industry leader approaches their customer support and device manufacturing is an eye-opening experience. Our products are designed to perform and to last. 

With cutting-edge devices, a result-driven skincare line, and the best spa furniture in the industry – Silhouet-Tone is your partner to success. 

Thank you to the entire Silhouet-Tone team who helped make IECSC at NYC a huge success. Without you guys, this would not have been possible!

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